GRACE book reviewed in the Journal of International Women's Studies

The GRACE book 'African Women and ICTs', has been reviewed yet again and this time the review was by the notable Journal of International Women's Studies Vol. 12, #1 of January and February. 

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GRACE for Change Pleased as Palestinian Penal Code is Amended to Ban Honour Killing

In a milestone ruling, Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas issued a presidential decree amending the Palestinian penal code to ban honour killings. This was after the death of Ayah Barad'iyya a young Palestinian woman.  She died at the hands of her uncle. The state has come under pressure to act against honour killings from Palestinian activists groups, Nadeen a member of one such group, the GRACE for change project under the Gender Research in Africa and Arab countries into ICTs for Empowerment attributes the change in attitude to efforts of organizations like GRACE for Change, “This was one of the main issues discussed in grace... and it's one of the main demands women were making in Palestineshe said.